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New Student Account Form 

Please complete the following form to set up your own Big Future Academics account. We will use the information to customize our student's program, contact you when necessary, and select the best resources for our work. We will contact you regarding scheduling and program details upon completion. Please call our office at (815) 313-9792 with any questions. Thank you!​



Student's Information

This information helps us correspond proactively and quickly respond to questions and requests. 

Parent's Info

This information helps us correspond proactively and quickly respond to questions and requests. 

Student's Academic Profile and Plan

This information helps us customize our plan and program for each of our students; it also provides us with insight into a student's trajectory, interests, and long term goals. Please leave any inapplicable questions unanswered. 

Please select which of the following services we can provide for you:

Current School, University, or Institution:

Current Year in School:

Next Scheduled Standardized Exam Date (if applicable)

Target Exam Score(s) (if relevant)

Target Universities or Programs (if relevant)

Have you decided which degree (or degrees) you will pursue?

If you answered "Yes" to the question above, what degree (or degrees) are you seeking?

Please list any extracurricular activities here:

If known, please list academic or professional aspirations here:

Do you plan to attend medical school?

If you are using BFA services for MCAT Preparation or medical school applications, please use this link to provide additional information that allows us to customize your MCAT prep and AMCAS plan.

Academic & Test History

If possible, please let us know your exam history. For which exam are you reporting?

For which date exam are you reporting?

Please detail any academic and subject information here:

This section is very important! Please be as thorough as possible. Knowledge of a student's test history is the best way for us to customize resources and build momentum even before our first session. 

Please report exam composite score here. If subscores can be included, please do so.

Scheduling & Reminders

What is your availability? 

When would you like to begin sessions?
When would you like to end sessions?

If known, please provide the date nearest to which you would like sessions to end.

Big Future Academics sends free reminders to your phone, email, or both the day before any scheduled session. This keeps things running smoothly and reminds our students and families about session times, locations, and other important dates. It is very important that we have up-to-date contact information. If you'd like to receive reminders to only one account or another, please simply let us know!

Quick Info!

How did you hear about Big Future Academics?

Please share any additional information about yourself and/or the student coming to Big Future Academics (anything to help us better serve you or our students is important).

Thank you and we look forward to working with you!

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