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We help our students and families navigate the academic landscape over the long run. Our students head into college, graduate school, and professional careers with a clear mind, a flexible plan, and a boundless appetite for knowledge. 

How We Can Help

We understand that the college preparation and decision process can be challenging. We are here to help our students and families navigate this process in a proactive, clear, and maximally productive way.


Please keep in mind that there are many elements involved in successfully embarking on the college to career journey. Our plans aim to prepare our students and families for near term, mid term, and long term checkpoints that should be met to make the investment in higher education truly worthwhile and enduring.


We can help establish a plan for university-bound students, and we will use this plan as a trail guide as we move through the college and university admissions landscape. We will take into account such aspects as academic fit, student body, campus life, living accommodations, local opportunities, graduate and postgraduate programs, traveling abroad, merit scholarships, other scholarships, and, of course, finances.


We work hard to ensure that our students move into graduate school and professional careers with little or no debt -- there are a huge number of opportunities available for earning scholarships and grants. As always, reach out to us with any questions or concerns, and we will happily steer you in the right direction!

How we can help
What we offer

College-Bound Student Application Timeline

Timeline for College

Institutional Planning

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